![]() 02/19/2016 at 10:40 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
How can you not like cars?!
![]() 02/19/2016 at 10:44 |
bcuz they kill ppl
![]() 02/19/2016 at 10:45 |
Cars kill ppl
![]() 02/19/2016 at 10:46 |
My car TOTALLY goes out of the garage when I’m asleep by itself without any driver and mows down people at random......
![]() 02/19/2016 at 10:48 |
bcuz lets not blame pedestrians who are too distracted with their super important facebook feeds to look both ways before crossing the street. THEY’RE NOT IN THE WRONG HERE!!!
![]() 02/19/2016 at 10:50 |
hold on here
There’s an interesting thing I noticed in all of the backgrounds of the outdoor pics you posted.
blue sky
Imagine if you couldn’t breath and people were dying and kids were having developmental damage because of it.
The situation in Delhi has NOTHING to do with our situation.
![]() 02/19/2016 at 10:50 |
If this shit happens, I’m moving f to the Outback and building my own little place. With a racetrack. A big one.
![]() 02/19/2016 at 10:53 |
I went batshit on my 10 year old for walking while looking at her tablet about 2 months ago. In the house no less. My wife asked me why. I referred her to this: http://gizmodo.com/5312623/teenag…
If I recall correctly, the lawsuit was dismissed as the workers had coned off the manhole cover and put up warning signs.
![]() 02/19/2016 at 10:54 |
Maybe we should ban Alissa Walker? “Oppositelock petition for removal due to slander"
![]() 02/19/2016 at 10:58 |
If you’re referring to Snow White Walker, she doesn’t actually want to ban cars, she just wants to stop ‘darkies’ owning/driving cars (except in a ‘driving Miss Daisy’ sense). Her whole stich is just some thinly disguised white supremacist shit about trying to roll back the clock to the days when the US was an apartheid nation.
![]() 02/19/2016 at 11:01 |
I STARTED to read a couple of her articles, and truthfully I cannot stomach my way through them; even non-car ones....
![]() 02/19/2016 at 11:03 |
Oh dear, you seem to have swallowed the White Walker’s line of white supremacist bullshit. Her ideology has nothing to do with environmentalism, and everything to do with desperately lashing out at the symptoms of ‘darkies’ becoming wealthy, thereby threatening her white-supremacist future.
Calling for a ban on Indians owning cars is just part and parcel with the rest of it. She’s never called for anything similar that wouldn’t predominantly impact on ‘black’ or ‘brown’ people. When she talks about the US she makes it quite clear that her sole intention is to return ‘the negroes’ to serfdom by removing their ability to travel, thereby forcing them into the employ of their local monopsonist.
![]() 02/19/2016 at 11:04 |
I’d love her to come to Europe so we can arrest and jail her for incitement to racial hatred. It’s a real shame that’s not a crime in the US too.
![]() 02/19/2016 at 11:09 |
Would you happen to own a red 58 Plymouth Fury then?
![]() 02/19/2016 at 11:10 |
![]() 02/19/2016 at 11:13 |
No. Don’t ALL cars do that?!
![]() 02/19/2016 at 11:14 |
Actually, half of the outdoor pics the sky is gray and/or clouded over.
![]() 02/19/2016 at 11:15 |
Someone in the comments on one posted a family tree showing her as the direct descendant of this delightful chap:
The comments then somehow disappeared, which strongly suggests (to me, at least) that the link is true (although let’s be fair, it may have just been Kinja’d). There’s certainly a notable family of segregationists/racists descended from him, one branch of which is in St Louis, where Ms Walker grew up, and she’s very, very careful to avoid publicising anything about who her family is. Gov Scott Walker, another noted racist politician, is apparently either her brother or her cousin.
![]() 02/19/2016 at 11:24 |
No this has absolutely nothing to do with race
They are talking about banning cars in one city. A city that’s insanely unhealthy to even BREATHE THE AIR in.
I don’t know about her other articles and I don’t car. Delhi is clearly in trouble. Cars aren’t the only problem, she even called that out in her article, there’s all kinds of pollution issues there.
You’re the one pulling the race card here.
![]() 02/19/2016 at 11:27 |
Pretty sure the majority is on the side of sunny/nice days as are most days when there are large gathering of cars.
The point is they don’t get those at all because of the smog
Maybe, just maybe, 1 city in the world can’t support cars for everyone. The emission controls are nothing like we have here. The amount of cars and the density of that city combined with crap emission controls means maybe they can’t do cars while, you know, breathing.
![]() 02/19/2016 at 11:33 |
“No this has absolutely nothing to do with race”
To you and me, no. But make no mistake, there’s a reason that article was aimed where it was.
“They are talking about banning cars in one city. A city that’s insanely unhealthy to even BREATHE THE AIR in.”
That’s right. Even though the cars aren’t responsible for the air pollution. And they’re not talking about Paris, which actually does have air pollution almost as bad and which is down to cars. It’s just focusing on an excuse to call for preventing people with darker skins than the White Walker having cars.
“Delhi is clearly in trouble.”
It is, but the one thing we know will fix it is the economic growth that Walker consistently opposes. So she’s calling for a policy that will make air pollution worse. It’s clearly just an excuse.
“You’re the one pulling the race card here.”
No-one’s ‘pulling the race card’. You don’t appear to even know what the phrase means.
![]() 02/19/2016 at 11:42 |
I would like to see some of your other examples of how she’s attacking people of color.
Maybe she didn’t write an article about Paris because Paris didn’t do a car ban for 15 days?
You saw the part about how there was an 18% drop in particulates in just 15 days? She called that tiny, i think that’s a pretty huge drop, it’s more than a % point per day.
All the other emission problems, like burning trash and coal fired plants were all brought up too.
I just don’t make the connection here to race, I said you’re pulling the race card because I just don’t see a connection to race involved in this article. If paris’s air sucks too, maybe they should follow the lead and ban some cars.
I love cars and they can pry the keys of my non-emission controlled Montego from my cold dead hands. But if I lived in Delhi, maybe it would be ok to park it for a while so that kids could develop LUNGS. She sure is racist being concerned about those kids that aren’t white’s lungs.
![]() 02/19/2016 at 11:50 |
Ok, so out of the 19 pictures you can see the sky, only 8 are overcast and don’t have blue sky, so it is a slight majority. I guess I was just in the mood to be pick some nits.
![]() 02/19/2016 at 11:58 |
“I would like to see some of your other examples of how she’s attacking people of color.”
Pick an article of hers, I’ll point it out to you, if you like. Generally she opposes economic growth which benefits darker-skinned people, calls for the removal of transport from darker-skinned people, and so-on.
“Maybe she didn’t write an article about Paris because Paris didn’t do a car ban for 15 days?”
Maybe, but...
Paris did in fact ban cars recently.
“You saw the part about how there was an 18% drop in particulates in just 15 days?”
a) You and I can discuss these things without being racist. The White Walker was being racist, though.
b) Let’s not confuse two different discussions. At the moment we’re talking about the racism, not about the non-racist discussions of air quality. It’s probably more interesting to talk about the latter, but let’s get the former out of the way first.
“I just don’t make the connection here to race”
It’s very simple: this is yet another example of Alissa Walker writing an article which says ‘“darkies”* should not be allowed to drive cars’. If it was the only example, then perhaps there might be some benefit of the doubt to give, because she’s reasonably subtle about pushing her agenda, but in fact there’s such ample evidence of her consistently calling for the same thing that that won’t wash.
*I think ‘darkies’ is actually an English-English term used by the ‘I’m not racist but...’ crowd. I’m not sure what the equivalent term used by Americans is.
![]() 02/19/2016 at 11:59 |
You sure are this morning lol
![]() 02/19/2016 at 12:03 |
I dont know if it was New Delhi or another smog filled city. But I remember reading an article about one of the leading causes of smog buildup. They said its from the exhaust of 2 stroke bikes and those 3 wheeled taxis that are all over the city. I may be totally wrong, but I read something along those lines.
![]() 02/19/2016 at 12:07 |
What show are these pictures from?
![]() 02/19/2016 at 12:12 |
2 stroke bikes/taxis/even in some CARS are the worst. They really are terrible. She also called out that burning trash/waste and coal electric plants are major contributors to the smog.
The point i’ve been making is, what’s more important? A community of people being able to BREATHE/Kids developing proper lungs or being able to drive a car in a dense city?
Maybe in this case, cars are part of the problem though. 18% drop in particulates in 15 days is more than a percentage point per day - that’s a successful strategy to follow.
![]() 02/20/2016 at 15:49 |
No one show, they’re from a few different ones.
I took all the photos.